Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alder Creek

So, on the Saturday before Labor Day we took the kids to Alder Creek. It is a really fun spot up 50 that Jesse's family have been going to for years. We all had a BLAST!!! I was still on the mend after spraining my ankle, so I couldn't enjoy the water too much, but it was great to see the kids and Jesse have a good time. Here are some pictures:

Wyatt headed straight for the sand.

A self shot with me and Jonah.

Mason enjoy the sand and water.

Jesse gave each of the kids a turn in the boat and they loved it.

Even Jonah got in on the action.

Mason's turn. Jesse actually took him on a few small rapids. 

I pulled them around by the rope for quite a while. 

My white boys catching some rays.

One last pose on the bridge.

Here is a short video of Jonah in the water. He LOVES water. He goes nuts in the tub. He enjoyed the cold water almost as much. 

New Beginnings...

And NO, I am not talking about the Young Women activity. Life has been filled with so many firsts lately. Jesse Started a new Job! We are so excited to share the news that Jesse FINALLY found a job. He is working for a company out in Roseville called Sibling Systems. He is still doing graphic design, but he will have the opportunity to do marketing (which is what he REALLY wants to do) for them in the not too distant future. He really likes it so far. He found out after, that of the 9 guys that work there, 7 are LDS. So it is a huge change from his Red Robin days when he was one of just a few in a large team of employees.

With Jesse no longer home, I am handling all 4 kids (plus Jim) on my own. I used to be able to go to the store while the little ones were napping, but now if I go, during the day, they have to come with me. I did try bringing all 4 of them with me to Target, and it was pretty much a nightmare. I have learned that if I don't get up and go first thing, than I will not be going until Jesse is home and they are in bed.

Also, the kids and Jesse have started school. It is a new school for both Mason and Ali. Mason is in the 2nd grade and Ali is in Kindergarten. They LOVE their teachers and their classmates. Wyatt loves to come with me to pick up Ali from school, but I think it is mostly because he loves Brodie, a little boy in Ali's class at school and church who I take home in the afternoon. He no longer asks if we can go get Ali from school, he asks if we can go get Brodie. And Brodie is so nice to him, I don't blame Wyatt for liking him so much.

Ali has a thing with taking her hairstyle down before the end of the day.
Ali wearing her Fox hat that she made.
Ali suddenly became a thug. I don't know where she gets that from. I guess what they say is true, you can take the girl out the ghetto, but you cain't take the ghetto out the girl.
Mason and his missing teeth on the first day of School.
I added this one because Wyatt was the only one looking and he isn't even in school! What a good boy!

Jesse is back at Sac State again. He is gone on Monday and Tuesday night. It is NOT easy trying to get dinner on the table and kids bathed and ready for bed on those nights. I'm so glad that he is only gone for those 2 nights. I don't think I would be able to handle a third. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my children, but sometimes it takes 2 parents to get them to bed. They want to stay up. They want to play. They DO NOT want to get dressed or brush their teeth, or say prayer, because all of those things mean bedtime to them. Luckily they are starting to get used to the new daily schedule and hopefully they will be more cooperative.

Lastly, Mason started soccer and is loving it. I'll post more on that later. Right now it is dinner time.